Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ukraine Topless Women's Rights Group Femen Protest Again For Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani

FEMEN is a provocative Ukrainian Kiev based protest group. The organisation is internationally known for topless protests against sex tourism, sexism, lack of hot water in student dormitories, Ukraine not winning any medals at the 2010 Olympic Winter games in Vancouver, modern erotic art at the Pinchuk Art Centre and other topics.

Anna Hutsol, Femen's 26-year-old leader, says the group's main aims are to improve the role of women in Ukraine's male-dominated, post-Soviet society.

Recently they stripped down at an event promoting Iranian culture to reportedly demonstrate against the case of Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani, a woman in Iran handed a death sentence for adultery.

Watch the photo below:

1 comment:

  1. I have been reading a lot of stuff about it. but it is different presented, i loved to read this. keep it up
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