Penio Daskalov, Having Sex Change Operation To Look Like Lady Gaga

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Do you ever wish to become a superstar in your life? This guy, Penio Daskalov, Bulgarian Man, plans to have a sex change operation so that he can complete his transformation into Lady Gaga, reports.

"I really admire the way she has created herself, so when I've had my operations I won't be quite a man or quite a woman," Daskalov said.

"I've already contacted her management and told them what I am doing and how I'd like to record a duet with her," he concluded.

There’s no word yet from Gaga’s camp as to whether or not she supports Daskalov’s soon-to-be transformation.

And video has emerged showing Daskalov pre-sex change, dancing and singing and dressed as a woman!

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